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J. Hugh L. Beattie. Portraits; Military & Civil. 
Nov 2016. From exhibition to marrital bliss dramas. 
After the major exhibition at the Royal Opera Arcade last October, the job of delivering art to patrons soon merged into preparation for my little wedding. 'The wedding was a formal one', and all went very much like clock work except two points, the Bride turned up a little early... (On our anniversarys I will reminder her!) giving me little time to fret. Secondly, no one thought of the confetti, as people these days think they need permission, otherwise one might get a fine for littering!! 
The route march in step with swords between Church and Club through Mayfair was hilarious, especially on the night of Halloween. We were given many cheers... as people thought we were a fancy dress party! 
When I walked into the Coffee Room at the In & Out Club with all my favourite people and Sally on my arm, Life could not get better. I very much enjoyed my Father's offensive heckles, and I think Sally liked my sonnet. To be in a club with my own paintings all over it, is most homely. What a wonderful start to my new life. 
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