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J. Hugh L. Beattie. Portraits; Military & Civil. 
After quite a tough month of cold and the long push to get my latest seven footer finished, my photographer Niall McDarmid came yesterday and recorded this winter's batch of work. There are about 10 in this group and they cover a wide range of subjects. There are 2 Afghan paintings, 2 sport paintings, a ruined Church and a pretty child amongst others. The next step is to get patron approval and in some cases use for publicity. In my whole portfolio I didn’t have a close-up portrait of a child, so that now I do, which I feel I can now rectify, to establish a wider range of commissioned work. My sport art now covers Rugby and Cricket, just a little late for the Ashes win! As with the little girl it has widened my field dramatically, in theory one Billion Indians might like a Cricket painting!? 
On Wednesday or Thursday I hope to have some of the new works on the Website, others will have to wait until the patron has seen them, do please give me your thoughts. January is known for being a quiet month, so many artists use it for finishing up work and plan projects for the spring. My next canvases include a stunning black nude and a parade painting. I also have an idea to paint an allegorical painting called ‘The Banker’ in the style of Rubens. This work would aim to be an alegorical account of the banking crisis. It would take a year, and I worry if I am to late, but I think it is too good an idea to leave any longer… Who needs the lottery when life’s tumble is a many sided dice? 
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